I Am Afraid

I am afraid.

The federal government of the United States is broken. It is seemingly broken beyond repair.

The citizenship of the United States is fragmented into special interest groups who all demand their voices and their agendas be heard and taken seriously. They demand to be respected by all the other groups even while they act in incredibly divisive manners.

The government has been caught red-handed manipulating the messages which our primary health groups, like the CDC and WHO, are providing to warn citizens of the dangers of pandemic illnesses like various strains of flu which can kill.

It seems that everything we face, as citizens of the United States, has devolved to me-politics.

The January 6th riot where citizens charged into the White House and caused so much damage, and attempted to locate specific government individuals with the intentions of acts of violence against them, is a definitive sign of the dire straits in which we exist.

Donald Trump, purported billionaire and former president of our country, is under several major state and federal indictments for alleged crimes against the people of the United States. Yet he is still running for another term as president while crying out that the indictments are nothing more than “witch hunts” and denies any criminal actions. Recently, a judge stated publicly that Trump, and his sons, are clearly guilty of defrauding the American public and business partners concerning the valuations of his holdings. He is on recorded audio talking about possessing classified secret government documents, yet at the same time continues to deny having any knowledge of or culpability in the numerous secret documents found at his privately-owned residence in Florida.

And still, he continues to run for the highest public office in the land, and continues to gain voter and financial support.

Joe Biden currently holds office as president, despite the public knowledge that his entire political career has been followed by scandal after scandal. His son, Hunter, despite publicly-known drug addiction problems, managed to gain a position on the governing board of a giant power company in Europe, which he held for years. Now, he is back in the U.S., and facing criminal charges for owning a handgun in violation of law based on his publicly-known drug addiction.

Hillary Clinton was shown, clearly, to have a privately-owned computer and server in her private residence containing federal government email software and many, many secrecy-controlled emails contained on that computer and server. She was implicated in numerous scandals and potentially law-violating activities, yet each of those were quashed, somehow, and made to magically disappear. And somehow, the media never, kind of, got around to digging deeply enough into any of those scandals to expose the truth.

This list could go on, and on, and on, ad nauseum. To include a law-maker who was exposed as a rampant liar who based his entire campaign on deliberately-manufactured and outright lies to the American public. Despite being exposed clearly as a liar and a fraud, this lawmaker refuses to step down and continues to hold the position. Why do his peers allow this? Do they not realize that inaction on their part paints them with the same brush of malfeasance?

Do they not wish to point fingers and take action to force this evil-doer to face punishment just in case someone might discern their own criminal acts and wish them to face justice, too?

And what about this criminal liar’s constituents . . . the ones who voted him into that position? Are they doing anything to force this fraud to step down?

It seems as though these Senators and Congress-people have taken to the idea that they are our leaders . . . that they lead us.

The problem with this is that the concept of them leading us is completely backwards of how the Constitution was intended to be applied.

They should be serving us.

We should be leading them.

Our lawmakers are supposed to be representing us to the federal government. They are supposed to poll their constituents to find out what we want, and how we react to any given issue, so that they can then represent that attitude to the federal government.

How is it possible that the American citizenry has become so jaded, so lazy, that we allow these jerks to act this way, and then continue to remain in office and to be re-elected in future terms? Did we all swallow the lie that they are our leaders?

Now, we face yet another government shutdown as funding cycles draw to a fiscal close. The military folks will not get paid. Hundreds of thousands of government employees will not get paid. Vital services will shut down.

Yet, the lawmakers will continue to get paid. So, why should they care about the rest of us? Why should they care about federal services, and the extensive ripple effect this shutdown will have on our economy?

See, they voted themselves all kinds of protections and immunities, our lawmakers did. They don’t have to obey the same laws the rest of us do. Because they are special. They are the law-makers.

When national health-care laws went info effect several years ago, it became public knowledge that the lawmakers soon discovered that the way the health-care law was written required them, the lawmakers, to obey the same exact health-care laws as the general public was required.

“Well! This will not do,” they exclaimed. It took the law-makers less than two weeks to formulate themselves an immunity to the new health-care laws, agree to that immunity with a vote, and pass that immunity into law. Less than two weeks!

Yet they have months and months to deal with financing legislation and budgetary concerns but seem completely unable to overcome partisan warfare. Even within their own parties! Unless, it appears, that whatever the issue is will directly benefit them as individuals. At that point, they act with an alacrity which is astounding, and breath-taking.

Why is it that, for the last several decades, our choices of candidates in the elections have been so abysmal? We are no longer choosing the best candidate, except in the loosest interpretation of the phrase.

We are being forced to vote for the least-objectionable. The least-despicable. The least-terrible. And participation in voting is necessary, lest the special-interest groups get their candidate elected. We know the candidates, the politicians, are lying to us. We know they have no intentions of carrying through with their promises, and even if they did the entrenched old boy network would crush them and carry on with whatever their own agenda might be.

People, that is how Hitler came to power! He presented himself as the least objectionable candidate, and made campaign promises he never intended to keep. He said out loud what the people appeared to want to hear, never caring about the content or meaning of the words. He knew that all he had to do was get elected, and then he could begin subverting all of the laws and strictures from within.

Sound like anyone campaigning in America today?

All that type of “leader” needs to do in order to begin subverting the laws of the nation is to gather unto himself a cadre of psychopaths and sociopaths who have no limits or conscience to control their viciousness and brutality, then place those people into positions of authority where they can exercise their psychotic plans and desires. Those people will then do, literally, anything to keep their beloved leader in power so that they can continue to perpetrate their slavering lusts on society. They will tell and spread and support any lie, or perform any act or deed regardless of criminality because they know they will get away with whatever they do so long as they support their beloved leader.

Have not our own law-makers over the last several decades shown us clearly, by their actions, that they expect no consequences for whatever they might do? Imagine that. What if there were no consequences for you? What might you do . . . if you knew that you would almost certainly get away with it?

Hilary Clinton faced ZERO consequences for her deliberate crimes nor for her outrageously poor acts as Secretary of State. Biden, neither of them, have yet been forced to face actual punitive consequences for any of their foibles and scandals. Trump, at least so far, has not been forced to face any actual consequences of his actions and words.

To my knowledge and memory, the only well-known politician who had to face any consequences was Richard Nixon. He was essentially forced into resigning his office in the face of public pressure. Yet, he did not go to jail for his criminal acts. He paid no fines for his criminal acts . . . and in fact made millions of dollars directly from his time in office. He gained book deals and speaking fees, and much more. Yeah, he was exposed as a criminal, a liar, and a potty-mouth, but in the end his only punishment was public ridicule and having to resign.

What about all these other assholes who have been shown to be criminals, evil-doers, by media coverage, public statements from themselves, and even admissions of guilt? Have any of them had to do anything but step down from their public office in the worst of cases? Have any of them been convicted of crimes, been forced to spend significant time incarcerated, or been forced to pay substantial fines to return some of the money they stole back to the people they stole it from?

HEY! All you sheep out there! When are you going to grow a spine and begin taking actions against this horrendous over-throwing of YOUR Constitution? We used to be a country with pride, rather than a massive group of bickering biddies, with each demanding all the others show them some respect.

We have far more important issues to deal with than what fricking pronoun to use. And, please remember, the first word the acronym “PC” represents is “political.” Do YOU want to stand for perfect political correctness while your country burns to the ground?

Take a stand. Call a liar a liar, and then find a way to show them the door. Demand of your lawmakers that they represent your wishes. If they don’t, take them to task, get them ousted, show them the door.

You are paying their salary with your tax money! Why the hell should they be telling you what to believe and do as if they were your leader? Are you really that lazy?

Do you understand the concept that YOU are PAYING THEM to have them think that, because you elected them, they HAVE THE RIGHT to LEAD YOU? Essentially, that means that . . . YOUR RIGHTS . . . begin and end . . . with whatever they believe.

Now, that is a scary fucking thought. My rights begin and end with whatever the elected lawmakers determine based on whatever they believe.

It should be EASY for them to take a poll on any issue via the Internet to discover what we, their constituents, want them to do to represent our desires. Websites can be created in a matter of hours. Encryption and controls can ensure a fair reporting using unique voter identities.

Straw polls can be conducted. Phone polls. Call-in campaigns. There are many ideas of ways to get our wishes known to our representatives. We can turn this around, and have them represent us instead of them trying to lead us.

It takes action on your part. Read! Educate yourselves on the candidates. Educate yourselves on the issues. Take action by voting. Show up at rallies. Show up at protests. Take action.

Or . . . let them win.

I am afraid.