Let’s Talk About Choices

Right. Let’s talk about Choices.

You might well ask, what kind of choices shall we discuss? Great question!

How about the choice between Good and Evil?

What? You don’t know if you actually believe in Good, with a capital “G”? Or in Evil with a capital “E”? Yeah, it is kind of an existential question, and could potentially involve religious beliefs or faith in something outside our own person. I understand that can be a mixed bag of intellect and emotion, and possibly a slippery slope to confusion.

How about this? Do you believe in the existence of decent people, trying to make a decent living, raising a family, and teaching their children how to get along with others and succeed in this world?

I do. I am one of those people.

How about criminals? Do you believe in criminals . . . those people who do not care about getting along with others, or working to make a living? Those people who steal instead of work. Those people who use violence to bully others rather than using discussion and compromise to mutually satisfactory resolutions.

Do you believe in them? Of course, you do. They are on the nightly news, every single day. They rob and steal, they lie and cheat, they betray and they use violence with hands and weapons to beat and kill other people.

Usually, they prey upon the decent people . . . those folks less-likely to be as violent, uncaring, and murderous as themselves. And, therefore, easier targets to overcome.

Now that we have established that there are Good people and Evil people, let’s begin our discussion about Choices.

The Choice we each face are faced by every person, every day, and usually multiple times a day. Shall we take action on what is Good? Or shall we choose to take action on what is Evil? Shall we support Good and not support Evil, or vice-versa?

Let me lay some groundwork here, which is going to be basically un-palatable. It will not taste good or smell good or feel good. But it is true.

Evil actively fights and participates to harm or destroy Good.

Example: Religious Zealots

Religious zealots, whether they be Christian or Islamic or Jewish or Druid, whatever they claim to be, it is the zealot who is dangerous to the rest of humanity.

The Christians tortured and killed hundreds of thousands of people in the name of God during the Witch Burnings and Inquisitions, with the blessings of the Pope and other religious leaders who desired only to cement their power and wealth. These terrible things went on for centuries.

The Moslems tortured and killed anyone they thought did not properly obey edicts from the Quran, and conducted jihad war against all infidels. These terrible things went on for many centuries. Some of them still do these things today.

Between them, the Christians and the Muslims fought multiple battles, wars, campaigns, and crusades over multiple centuries, and are responsible for the horrible deaths of millions. Perhaps over a billion.

Zealots like Jim Jones and similar others led their followers to terrible deaths based on their own religious beliefs.

And every single case, every single time, was an exercise of power by the leaders to retain what power they held and to gain more power. More control.

Another example: Psychopaths and Sociopaths (of which there are MANY more than most common folk believe).

This example includes the psychopaths and sociopaths who set up Ponzi-schemes or run cyber-ransomware to deceive and defraud the innocent of their life savings, or create and sell deadly drugs to children, or kidnap and traffic in human sex-slave rings . . . those psychopaths and sociopaths are ACTIVELY trying to destroy you and take all of your money and Earthly goods in the process. They want what you have, and they will do anything to take if from you by force, or by sweet lies, or by trickery.

They are ACTIVELY planning, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, the many and terrible ways that they might take what you have for themselves.

What are you actively doing?

THEY consider you as their enemy. Their victim. Their prey. They are ACTIVELY hunting you.

The religious zealots take a few nuggets of verses from their “bible,” whatever its name, and use those nuggets, taken out of context, to support what they claim as the “WORD OF GOD.” Then they claim that the WORD OF GOD is SACRED and unchanging through the centuries and multiple translations from and to multiple languages, and to disbelieve is to commit terrible sin worthy of death.

It does not matter the name of the god they claim to pray to, or to support. No matter what the name, they all do the same things to justify their zealotry. Their EVIL against other humans. Their KILLING and TORTURES against other humans.

They are in an ACTIVE battle to either convert every single human to their way of belief and thus gain power, or to destroy those who won’t convert as “ultimate-sin infidels.”

Again, let me repeat, it does not matter what god they claim to worship. These zealots all act exactly the same way regardless of the name of their chosen god.

They say, “If you don’t believe the same way that I do, and if you do not acknowledge me as your leader, then you deserve to die and I will kill you.”

The cartels sell drugs and traffic in human sex-slaves to gain money and power. They DO NOT CARE about the sex-slaves, or the drug victims . . . except as a source of money and power. They ACTIVELY pursue these goals at YOUR EXPENSE.

Oh, yeah, I could go on and on and on for pages and pages. But you get the idea. I know you do.

Evil people, for evil reasons, are ACTIVELY plotting against and attacking Good people.

Here is where we get to the Choices part.

There is a saying, a true-ism, which states: “The only thing it takes for Evil men to win, is for Good men to do nothing.”

How are you standing up to those Evil men, the psychopaths and sociopaths, the religious zealots? How about the haters who foster evil toward others based on nothing but skin color? Or what church they attend? Or what country where they originated? Or what sexuality or pronoun they claim?

Evil, and evil people, are active, always working to perpetrate their evil on the good people.

Good people do not commonly arm themselves with deadly weapons, and gain training and practice in how to efficiently use those deadly weapons. No . . . they are more likely to believe in the goodness inherent in others, and look forward to associating with those other good people.

Evil people commonly arm themselves with deadly weapons. They train with them. They practice with them and become proficient with them. They take training in all manner of fighting arts such as martial arts, boxing, wrestling and such. They do this training deliberately with a mind to being able to overcome any Good person they set themselves against. They PLAN and PREPARE to overcome and destroy good people.

Do you actively PLAN and PREPARE in the ways necessary to protect yourself or your family against Evil, and evil people?

Some people actually think they do not have to choose, that they do not have to make a Choice. They think that they can simply “not choose.” They can turn their heads away when the news channel they watch shows evildoers at work. Mute the sound, or change the channel. Yeah. Out of sight, out of mind. That works.

Say or do nothing when your school district bans certain books which present ideas they regard as subversive, yet allow books with pornographic descriptions of alternative sexual orientations as being “supportive to LBGT-Q-XYZ-whatever.” (I am not trying to insult the LBGT-Q-XYZ-whatever people identifying within that designation. I am simply trying to encompass the evolving and ever-increasing changes within and to that designation.)

Say or do nothing when your state governor or state senators or congress-people pass laws with zero common sense, or promote bigotry in any sense, or get caught red-handed in crimes or outright lies.

Say or do nothing while your federal congress and senate practice partisan politics and internal-party warfare while the government faces fiscal shutdown.

Say or do nothing when obvious criminals gain and hold public office and refuse to step down or resign even when confronted with their crimes.

Say or do nothing, and EVIL WINS.

Yes, unfortunately, you must make a choice.

Either choose to fight Evil ACTIVELY, or Evil wins. As the song says, “even if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”

Either you choose to ACTIVELY support Good and fight against Evil, or you passively choose to let Evil win.

You walk along a dike, holding back a tide of water which could destroy your city if the dike fails. As you walk, you notice a leak, and a small jet of water spraying from the dike. You now have to make a choice. Since you noticed the leak, you are forced to participate in a choice process.

You can choose to stick your finger in that hole and stop the leak, or to immediately take steps to notify the proper personnel about that leak and ensure they take action to stop it up.

ANYTHING less than that, and you are making a choice to allow that leak to perpetrate whatever damage or wreckage it will most certainly do. Turn your head and walk on, pretending you didn’t see it. You still made a choice.

That leak, like Evil, is ACTIVE. The water pressure behind the leak is ACTIVE, just like Evil.

It’s binary. On or Off. Yes or No. It’s not a transistor with a third position, or a quantum particle with a superposition. It is A, or it is B. There is no neutral. There is no Switzerland.

What do you choose?