The Marshal Law series is comprised of five novels set in post-Civil War Oregon State and Washington Territory, with ventures into Idaho and Montana Territories. The first two follow US Deputy Marshal Tom McCloud, and Jacie Laribee.
Jacie Laribee’s father is murdered and someone powerful is trying to take the ranch from her. The Tumbleweed Killer has struck twelve times across post-Civil War Oregon State and the Washington and Montana Territories. Army weapon shipments, horses and gold are being stolen by some unknown robber gang.
It is up to Deputy US Marshal Tom McCloud to investigate, put together all the evidence and facts, and arrest the outlaws involved. Will he be able to do all that in time to save innocent lives?
Proving the insanely wealthy and powerful banker, Cord Wilhite, is behind all of the crime wave across post-Civil War Oregon State and the Territories of the Northwest is difficult enough. Deputy US Marshal Tom McCloud fights bandits and outlaws, Indians and politics from Portland to Seattle, from Bannack to Medford, to gain the proof he needs to arrest those responsible and save many innocent lives.
When Tom hires two retired Texas Rangers to help gather the needed evidence, the Northwest explodes in violence.
The last three novels follow a character introduced in the first two novels, Wesley Reardon, taking up new stories a few years after the first two end.
The hoofbeats of night raiders thunder through the Yakima valley darkness as those raiders kill entire families to drive settlers off of their farms and ranches to take control of the land. It is the job of Wesley Reardon to find out why, and who is responsible for the crimes. Not an easy job if President Grant, the man who hired Wes, is correct about the rumors of conspiracy extending into the federal levels of Congress and the Senate.
Then Wes meets Penny Rose, owner of the Rose Ranch, and the next target of the night raiders. When he decides to help Penny, he finds himself facing some of the most dangerous men in the west, and learns even the Army is involved at some level. To help him, Wes calls on his partner, ex-gunslinger Hank Beasley.
As Wes Reardon and his partner Hank Beasley get closer to the truth in uncovering a vast conspiracy extending from post-Civil War Washington Territory to Washington DC, all the more troubling are the inferences. Whatever is going on, it is far more than just a railroad and land control scheme, though that is bad enough with all the folks being killed and driven off their land in the Yakima valley.
With bribes flowing like water, and money spent like candy to buy gunslingers and professional assassins, Wes and Hank are going to need the crew of hardcases hired to work the ranch for Penny Rose if any of them are going to survive long enough to expose the conspiracy
When Wes Reardon returns from a short trip, he finds some group has attacked the ranch and murdered all his ranch crew – and his wife and infant daughter. Even as he reels and falls unconscious from the emotional blow, he knows this is planned retribution for some previous case he investigated.
After burying his wife and baby, and his crew, Wes begins trailing the ten men who did the deed. No matter who they are, or how many, or who is behind it all, Wes is determined to hunt them down and make them pay. When the ten men ambush Wes in the lonely Montana mountains, they learn just how big of a mistake they have made.